The recent unrest in Côte d'Ivoire and local flooding left us with the urgent need to repair structural damage, to replace equipment and to replenish our basic supplies.  These expenses have delayed proposed renovations to our physical plant that were intended to expand both the scope and the capacity of our services
While operating revenues now cover the cost of providing services, as well underwriting the free care we deliver on a daily basis, those revenues cannot be stretched far enough to cover the cost of these renovations.
Right now, our most immediate needs are to repair the damage to our facility, to re-build our birthing room and operating suite, to up-grade equipment and to add more consultation rooms and beds.

Birthing Rooms:                                     $90,000                           
When attempting to establish a community health center as a highly-valued community service, one of the best mechanisms available is to provide quality pre-natal and birthing care.  Once a new mother has given birth at a particular facility, she develops a strong affinity for that facility leading to wider utilization of the services.
This is the cost for a modern, full-fledged two-room birthing suite with a complete patient monitoring system, full-fledged birthing beds, and all of the ancillary equipment required to ensure a safe and pleasurable birthing experience. This cost includes $30,000 toward the construction of a three-room annex to house the birthing center, plus two fully-equipped birthing rooms.                                                         
Surgical Suite:                                        $165,000                     
We cannot open our Birthing Rooms until we have a functioning Surgical Suite to handle birth emergencies requiring immediate intervention.  Additionally, it would enhance the scope and extent of the services Centre de Santé Nimatoullah can provide to the community.
Constructing a fully-equipped surgical suite in a developing country requires constant awareness of the difficulty encountered with equipment maintenance and repair issues.   The cost of equipping a complete surgical suite in the United States is approximately $125,000, so that’s our starting point for a surgical suite capable of providing outpatient, day treatment and non-intensive care.  We have added the cost of a three room addition to provide additional space for a preparation and recovery room and waiting area.

The Centre de Sante has plans that extend several years into the future.  We have a "shopping list" of improvements we would like to add onto our existing programs, things that make sense for us to do....but require additional financial support. 

Our Wish List: Plans for Future Growth
The future never waits for us to catch up...and that's why we're trying to anticipate the Abidjan Center's development needs over the next five years with a "wish- list" of improvements on our existing programs. 

The problem with "wish-lists" is that the day-to-day grind of keeping your basic services funded undermines efforts to raise development funds need to promote growth.  After the recent unrest, we are back on track in Abidjan, but we need your help to replace what was lost, repair what was damaged, and build for the future needs of a rapidly growing community. Here are some things that would help us bring the future into the present.    

Emergency Ambulance:                                 $50,000
In community-based medicine, you always hope for the best….and plan for the worst. We need a fully-equipped ambulance to transport critically-ill patient to primary care hospitals in our service area, replacing the our old vehicle (a 4 X 4 jeep) that was commandeered during the recent unrest.  A brand-new, fully-equipped ambulance retails from $70,000 to $150,000.  A dependable used ambulance sells for $25,000-$50,000, and so we have set our sites upon one, good-quality, fully-equipped trauma unit with pulmonary-cardiac capabilities.
Ambulatory Transporters:  $30,000 X 2 = $60,000                   

We need two 14-passenger vans, each equipped with a chair ramp to facilitate the delivery of wheel-chair patients to the health center.  The 14-passenger vans have room for two wheelchairs and two rows of seating, making this an ideal choice for us.                                      
There's no  point in dreaming if you only dream this is our big dream, a fully-equipped mobile clinic that we can use to bring the care they need to the people who need it wherever they are.  We could greatly expand our community outreach with a van to go to outlying communities and villages.                         
In Abidjan, as in so many places, there are pockets of extreme need....and, often, those in need lack the bus fare to go and get the care they want for themselves and their families.
A mobile clinic like the one pictured above saves lives by bringing services out of the institutions down to the streets and into rural communities where they are needed most.  This is indeed a big dream:  a fully equipped mobile clinic could cost as much as $250,000, but the lives it might save are truly priceless.