Our Mission in Côte d'Ivoire

The Centre de Santé Nimatoullah opened in 2005 with the mission to provide excellent 
and affordable primary health care services to local persons marginalized from 
mainstream society.
Whether set apart by poverty, religion, ethnicity or a stigmatized medical condition, 
all are cared for by our staff.  We strive to achieve our mission with compassion 
and in a spirit of loving-kindness and generosity that stresses the fraternity and 
equality of all human beings.
Working in conjunction with the Ivoirian Ministry of Health, we have demonstrated 
how a small group of determined people can move mountain ranges 
to address the needs of an underserved community.
We believe our self-sustaining model for free-standing, 
community-based urban health care services can be 
replicated by other organizations around the world. 

Please look at our 'what we do pages' and we will show you what 
we have accomplished in Côte d'Ivoire, what we would like to do, 
and how you can help us continue to serve and transform
communities at risk of devastation.